Understanding Vertigo: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

What is vertigo and dizziness and how do they differ? Dizziness can be a challenging sensation to articulate, but it typically entails a perception of spinning, swaying, tilting, or an imminent loss of balance or consciousness. Additionally, dizziness can induce feelings of lightheadedness, giddiness, or difficulty maintaining a straight gait. One prevalent form of dizziness …

Headaches -What you should know?

 Are there different types of headaches? Yes, headaches come in various forms. The two most prevalent are tension headaches and migraines. Tension headaches produce a sensation of pressure or tightness around the entire head. Migraines typically start as a mild ache and escalate, affecting primarily one side of the head. The pain in migraines is …

Vertigo Exercises for BPPV

This set of exercises, called the Brandt & Daroff exercises, is used to treat the disturbing problem of benign positional vertigo. They are specifically designed to treat those cases in which the cause is considered to be clumps of debris (like fine sediment) collecting in one of the canals of the inner ear. The exercises …

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

What is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)? BPPV, or positional vertigo, is a spinning sensation of the head (vertigo) brought on by a certain position of the head, usually sudden changes of position. The word “benign” means that it is not life-threatening and does not cause permanent damage to the ear or brain. What is …

Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension

What is idiopathic intracranial hypertension? Idiopathic intracranial hypertension refers to a condition where the pressure inside the skull is increased without a clear underlying cause, thus the name “idiopathic” which means of unknown origin. This increase in pressure causes headaches and vision loss. What causes idiopathic intracranial hypertension? The exact cause of idiopathic intracranial hypertension …

Neck Pain Treatement Excercises and Home Therapies

Q When should I see a doctor for neck pain? In most cases, neck pain can be treated conservatively with over-the-counter pain medications, ice, heat, massage, and strengthening and/or stretching exercises at home. If you still have pain or restrictions in your movement after a few weeks of conservative treatment, see your doctor for further …

What can cause neck pain?

Numerous conditions, such as strained muscles or ligaments, arthritis, or “pinched” nerves, can result in neck pain (when a nerve is irritated by something pressing on it). At any given time, 10% of adults experience neck pain. More women than men appear to be affected. Regardless of the cause, conservative therapy typically results in some …


What is trigeminal neuralgia? Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is a condition that causes sudden and severe pain in parts of the face. The trigeminal nerve, a nerve that connects the brain to the face, is the source of TN. What are the symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia? Attacks of TN are characterised by stabbing, severe pain in …